News & Resources

Reid Middleton’s Multi-modal Commuters

Kelli Owen, Patrick McGrady, Wendell Johnson, Leif Johansen, and Bob Galteland - some of Reid Middleton's multi-modal commuters.   I'm usually a single occupancy driver, but have bussed, carpooled, and telecommuted at various times since working at Reid Middleton. Once…

It’s a Wrap – A Clock Tower Revisited

With the benefit of government grant funding, The Evergreen State College (TESC) Clock Tower seismic improvements project combined the new technologies of Carbon Fiber Wrap and 3D Building Information Modeling to deliver success.   The Evergreen State College (TESC) Clock…

Creating Waterfront Property…Float It!

Concrete floating breakwater being towed to its permanent location.   Values of waterfront property are typically higher than inland real estate for a variety of reasons but mostly due to desirability and market supply and demand. The desirability factor is…