News & Resources
Christchurch earthquake reconnaissance part 3: Days 5-6
Day 5 - Monday 3/15/11 How well do seismically retrofitted URM buildings perform – what works and what doesn't? Today we start to answer that question. With engineers from the EERI Reconnaissance Team and the SEAOC Building Performance Assessment Team,…
Christchurch earthquake reconnaissance part 2: Day 4
Earthquake performance of a seismically retrofitted building. This building had steel moment frames around the perimeter of the first level with plywood diaphragm strengthening under the second floor framing. Collapsed URM second level exterior walls and a collapse prevention performance…
Christchurch earthquake reconnaissance part 1: The first 3 days
A 2 story unreinforced masonry (URM) building roof collapse. Note the left side of the collapsed wood roof being support by a small kitchen table – duck, cover and hold. Christchurch CBD, New Zealand. Overview Christchurch has a population of…