I am writing this blog post on a flight from San Diego to Seattle on the 2017 Winter Solstice (12/21/17) – the shortest day of the year. You know, the kind of flight after a very long week where you sit down and you are glad that “someone else is driving…” This type of flight, on this particular day, was a good time to contemplate what 2018 holds in store for Reid Middleton.
Out the aircraft window I can see the bright orange sunset through the clouds over the Pacific Ocean and the impending grey to black sky that we are flying into. I am struck by how this, the shortest day of the year, coincides with the end of the calendar year. This day and this time of year represent a turning point in the continuum of time – a time to not only reflect on what we accomplished in 2017 (see Bob’s blog from a few weeks ago), but really a time to look forward to what 2018 will bring us.
We will be very busy at the beginning of the year, with continued work for long-standing clients throughout the western United States, Alaska, and Hawaii and with more exciting international work as well. Our economy is strong and is recovering significantly from the slumping years of the great recession from 2007-2012. Our municipal, educational, healthcare, and federal market sector work continues to be strong, with new and exciting client opportunities in commercial, retail, hospitality, and tribal work. These added client and work opportunities mean that we must continue to work hard at growing our staff, our skills, our expertise, and our business.
2018 will be an exciting year for our firm. The economy is strong, our partners and our clients are busy, and there are new opportunities around every corner. Our business and our staff are another year older too. With age comes wisdom for those who pay attention and learn from past challenges and setbacks and having those experiences informs our aspirations. As a company, we are another year older and another year wiser. These ideas remind me of a quote about aspiration and quality of life:
The quality of our lives, is intimately related to the nature of our aspirations.
Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, 2010
As we look forward to 2018 and continue to refine our aspirations for the future, I am excited for how the client and project opportunities ahead of us will not only help shape the quality of life of the public and the people we serve, but also our staff, our partners, and our families too.
I, like many of you, am the type of person who thrives on change and looks to the future and imagines what is possible. I am energized by change as it represents growth and opportunity. As we move forward into 2018, there is so much opportunity ahead of us. As a person who enjoys outdoor activities, I also love the fact that after this Winter Solstice our days will start getting longer – starting tomorrow!!!
Have a Happy and Inspired New Year!