U.S. Coast Guard Evaluation & Retrofit of Various Buildings

  • Location Western United States
  • Client U.S. Coast Guard
  • Formula for Success

    Created a standardized report template so all teams provided similar information.

  • Responsible Use of Resources

    Grouping buildings minimized travel and made the team efficient.

Consistent and Cost-Effective. The U.S. Coast Guard needed to assess the seismic safety of its highest-risk buildings on the West Coast. Reid Middleton provided ASCE 41-17 seismic evaluations and conceptual seismic retrofit design for more than 200 U.S. Coast Guard facilities. The project included Tier II seismic evaluations of various buildings in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California and includes hangars, operations buildings, barracks, administration buildings, warehouses, sewage and water treatment plants, guest houses, theaters, and office space. We worked with the Coast Guard to develop a standardized report template that provided consistency between each of the reports and between the information that the multiple evaluation teams provided. Reid Middleton grouped buildings together in a logical manner for site investigation and for the evaluations, which made the project efficient and cost-effective for the Coast Guard.