Making the Airport Safe. Enhanced Security, Extreme Safety.
Keeping travelers from near and far safe at all times
I spy with my little eye… The Port of Seattle was looking to provide more Wi-Fi access points (routers) on the walls and ceilings throughout SeaTac Airport which involved wiring, conduit, and wall/floor penetrations. Reid Middleton provided structural engineering for a series of projects to enhance the WiFi and security camera infrastructure throughout Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. It provided concept design with the bulk of the work consisting of reviewing (30) penetrations, advising where these were acceptable, and what size penetration could be accommodated. Reid Middleton reviewed existing architectural and structural drawings in determining acceptable locations for pathway penetrations through the existing structure, as well as providing detailing assistance for the vertical, wind, and seismic support of WiFi and camera mounted equipment to existing structural components, exterior walls and passenger loading bridges.
The columns at SeaTac are WF steel columns, fire-proofed, and have an architectural wrap. The floor is composite deck and topping. Reid Middleton also reviewed the penetrations to make sure they didn’t compromise the area in and around the column. The team had to limit the size and number of conduit penetrations to fit between base plates and the architectural column wrap. This resulted in more, but smaller penetrations. The design visually hides the vertical conduit that feeds the Wi-Fi Access Points (Wi-Fi Routers) with the architectural column wrap.