Ding Ye



Reliable, organized, professional, a good team member with a little bit of humor is how Ding’s client’s describe working with him. Ding’s co-worker’s agree too. He gets the job done efficiently while having fun.

Don’t just get it done, get it done right has been Ding’s motto for over 27 years as a civil engineer. Ding enjoys the variety of projects he works on and the unique challenges that each project brings. His broad range of capabilities includes project management, master planning, feasibility study, engineering design, construction cost estimates, and construction contract administration. Ding’s specific expertise is in general site development, stormwater management, low impact design, erosion control, grading and drainage, water system, and sanitary sewer systems. He has engineered and managed many projects for both public and private sector clients. Seeing his designs become products that are touchable, practical, and serve his clients well is what excites Ding about being a civil engineer.

Board of Directors – Member


  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Washington
  • Marine Engine, Jimei Navigation Institute; Xiamen, China


  • Professional Engineer: WA/ AK


  • Certified Construction Contract Administrator
  • Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
  • OPSEC Awareness for Military, DOD, and Contractors


  • Member of the Project Management Institute (PMI)